Daily Routines to Improve your Mental Health
Establishing daily routines can help provide predictably to your life, ease some of the stresses we face everyday, and improve your mental health.
Establishing daily routines can help provide predictably to your life, ease some of the stresses we face everyday, and improve your mental health.
"We all need some predictability in our lives."
Adding a new and unexpected layer of uncertainty to our lives, COVID-19 has understandably made many of us feel more stressed. To varying degrees, we all need structure and predictability in order to feel secure. Now more than ever, it is important to create routines to help us feel like we have some sense of control and agency in our lives.
Morning routines and night routines can be great places to start to build some productive structure in our lives. Everyone is different, so some tips and tricks may work better than others, but trying things out and finding what works is part of the process. Create simple routines that work well for you and your schedule.
Avoid looking at your phone first thing when you wake up
Give yourself enough time
Take a second to remind yourself of something you are looking forward to in the day
Particularly during times of stress, it’s important we make time at the end of our day to unwind. Having a good wind-down routine is important so you can reflect on whatever happened that day and then put it aside before you go to sleep. In other words, working toward not taking your worries to bed with you.
Turn off your devices and avoid going online or watching the news
Have a quick call with a friend (if it’s not too late)
Write out your thoughts
Try making a gratitude list
Read a little (a book or e-reader)
Try some slow breathing
Incorporating simple daily routines can help calm our minds and motivate us – this is especially useful during times of stress. Try a few of these out, find what makes you feel best, and keep at it.
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