Our Anger Check can serve as a screening tool to get a better sense of the frequency and intensity of anger in your life.

Each question asks about a different aspect of anger and how often it has been affecting you over the last four weeks.

Let’s get a better sense of how intense your anger has been lately using this Anger Check.

    Is it okay to record your responses anonymously for our research? We will not ask for information that can personally identify you.

    Should you choose to not include your Anger Check information in our research project, you are welcome to complete the Anger Check but your responses will not be saved or recorded for research. See full details.

    Please enter your age

    Please indicate the country you live in:

    CanadaUnited StatesUnited KingdomIrelandAustraliaNew ZealandOther

    Please indicate your sexual orientation:

    HeterosexualGay or LesbianBisexualOther

    What is your current relationship status?

    SingleCommitted relationship, not living togetherMarried or committed relationship, living togetherSeparated or divorcedWidowed

    Are you currently enrolled in post-secondary education?


    Which of the following categories best describes your current employment?

    Full-time, single positionEquivalent to full-time, multiple positionsPart-time, multiple positionsPart-time, single positionDisabled, not able to workNot employed, looking for workNot employed, not looking for workRetired

    Average hours worked per week:

    0-9 hrs10-19 hrs20-29 hrs30-39 hrs40-49 hrs50-59 hrs60+ hrs

    Thinking over the past 4 weeks, select the option that best describes the amount of time you felt angry.

    I found myself getting angry at people or situations

    None or almost none of the timeA little of the timeSome of the timeMost of the timeAll or almost all of the time

    When I got angry, I got really mad

    None or almost none of the timeA little of the timeSome of the timeMost of the timeAll or almost all of the time

    When I got angry, I stayed angry

    None or almost none of the timeA little of the timeSome of the timeMost of the timeAll or almost all of the time

    When I got angry at someone I wanted to hit them

    None or almost none of the timeA little of the timeSome of the timeMost of the timeAll or almost all of the time

    My anger prevented me from getting along with people as well as I’d have liked to

    None or almost none of the timeA little of the timeSome of the timeMost of the timeAll or almost all of the time


    As a leading global resource on men’s mental health, HeadsUpGuys regularly conducts research to better understand issues that impact men’s mental health.

    You have the option of including your Anger Check responses in our research, which will be recorded and grouped together with responses from other participants to be analysed and reported in our future research reports, academic papers and/or at conferences. We will not ask for information that can personally identify you.


    HeadsUpGuys asks about gender to help us better understand our visitors, learn more about men's mental health, and inform the creation of future content.

    Your score is :


    Anger Check Results

    Your Anger Check score can give you a general sense of how you’re doing with managing your anger, but it’s not meant to be a diagnostic tool.

    Here’s a breakdown of the scores, and how this course can help you.

    Scores under 12

    This course can help reinforce healthy habits you may already have, while adding practical skills to help prevent anger from becoming an issue in the future.

    Scores 12 and over

    A score in this range indicates that a guy is having issues with anger and would benefit from taking action to connect with a mental health professional to get guidance for addressing the root causes of his anger.

    How HeadsUpGuys can help:

    • Continue and complete our Managing Anger and Irritability Course
    • Connect with a therapist

    You can retake the Anger Check anytime from the main Courses page

    Your Anger Check Responses

    Come back and track your progress

    The Anger Check can be used to track your progress and monitor how your anger is affecting you.


    The Anger Check is anonymous and no personally identifying information is required to complete it. It includes an opt-in demographic section that helps inform our understanding of our visitors, the development of our content, and may be used for research purposes.

    Contact information for our email newsletter (if you choose to opt-in) and your Anger Check responses are stored separately. See our terms, privacy, and conditions for more information.


    This Anger Check is adapted from a well-researched and established scale called the Dimensions of Anger Reactions (DAR-5), developed by Dr. David Forbes.

    Forbes, D., Alkemade, N., Mitchell, D., Elhai, J.D., McHugh, T., Bates, G., Novaco, R.W… Lewis, V. (2014). Utility of the dimensions of anger reactions-5 (DAR-5) scale as a brief anger measure. Depression and Anxiety, 31, 166-173. doi:10.1002/da.22148

    For more information on the DAR-5, visit the Disaster Mental Health Hub.