Your Stories
Jake shares his depression story and recovery. He offers practical tips to help other men - including counselling, exercise, and talking to friends.
Jake shares his depression story and recovery. He offers practical tips to help other men - including counselling, exercise, and talking to friends.
"Vulnerability is strength. It takes guts to say 'today is not a good day'."
About Jake:
Jake Stika is the Cofounder & Executive Director of Next Gen Men, a Canadian nonprofit organization engaging, educating, and empowering men and boys around gender in schools, communities, and workplaces. As gender is a social determinant of health, boys and men are facing acute stresses on their mental health and wellbeing due to gender norms – including lack of health-seeking behaviours, culminating in 3 out of 4 suicides being men.
I had a falling out with my family and my girlfriend, at the time, couldn’t cope with the wreck I was. I spent a few months by myself, working a manual labour job for 12-14 hours per day, coming home to eat, and going to the gym for another hour or two – all so that I could avoid having to face myself and my feelings. Sure, I lost 30 lbs in one summer and looked great, but I was far from healthy. I spent many nights crying myself to sleep. I felt so much shame, but the generator of that shame was all my own.
You are not unique. This is not a you problem. We all go through this at some point or other. If you tell 5 friends, 2-3 of them will tell you they went through it too. Bare it all, you’ll feel much lighter. Vulnerability is strength. It takes guts to say “today is not a good day”.
– Jake Stika is the Cofounder & Executive Director of Next Gen Men, based out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
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