Disagreements: Mini Quiz

Let’s see what you’ve learned

Check your knowledge of section 8. Disagreements, of our Building Relationship Skills Course.

    It is unhealthy to have disagreements with your partner.


    Which of the following is characteristic of a disagreement (not a fight):

    Personal attacksPhysical aggressionA difference of perspectivesA threat of harm

    Nikola’s partner is upset at him for driving her to a fancy restaurant as a surprise without giving her warning to dress properly, which makes her feel out of place and self conscious. A good response from Nikola would be:

    I do something nice, this is what I get?You look fine, don’t worry.You don’t wear jeans to restaurants?That wasn’t my intent, but I see what you mean. Do you want to reschedule?

    Stonewalling is:

    Displaying a sense of superiorityTaking turns while talkingPlaying the victim roleShutting down during a conflict


    HeadsUpGuys asks about gender to help us better understand our visitors, learn more about men's mental health, and inform the creation of future content.

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