Josh's Story
My suicide attempt did not end my life, but instead become the turning point in my recovery from depression. I didn't think it was possible.
My suicide attempt did not end my life, but instead become the turning point in my recovery from depression. I didn't think it was possible.
"Depression isn’t something you can outthink or 'solve' on your own."
About Josh:
For the last two and half years I’ve been the Project Coordinator for HeadsUpGuys, a resource supporting men in their fight against depression. In my spare time I enjoy portrait photography.
During the fall of 2009 I was severely depressed and suicidal. Even though I had started to reach out and begin my recovery, I couldn’t see myself ever getting better. In early 2010, the pain became too much to bear and I tried to end my life by jumping off a bridge. I was lucky to survive the fall and was eventually taken by ambulance to a hospital, where I stayed for a week recovering from a punctured lung, broken bones, and fractures.
In the aftermath, I experienced a flood of emotions that included love for my family and friends, and a great relief and happiness to still be alive. I hadn’t felt anything remotely that positive in months. Even though my mood dropped back down, the glimpse and knowledge that I was still capable of feeling well motivated me to restart my recovery.
Learning about depression
Being honest about what was bringing me down the most
Learning to disengage from my thoughts
Trust in your ability to recover and be relentless in your efforts towards reaching it. Depression isn’t something you can outthink or ‘solve’ on your own. Make the most of the supports around you, gather your resources, and fight depression with everything you have. How I feel today is so far removed from how I felt six years ago it still amazes me. When I was depressed I couldn’t imagine that recovery was possible, but here I am.
– Josh, Project Coordinator for HeadsUpGuys based out of Vancouver, B.C. Canada. Hear more of his journey in Josh’s story video.
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