Cognitive Restructuring Activity Sheet

Building new habits requires practice and repetition

Throughout the course we’ll be making use of the Cognitive Restructuring Activity Sheet. This will also be our main take-home tool to use on our own following completion of the course.Preview of Rewiring Negative Thoughts: Cognitive Restructuring Activity Sheet

The activity sheet is useful for recording experiences, along with the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that accompany them (we’ll address each of these in the steps below). 

It helps us become aware of cognitive distortions (i.e., automatic negative thoughts) that previously went unnoticed, and unquestioned, which underlie depression. Once we shine a light on the cognitive distortions, we can then put them on trial, examining the evidence for and against these thoughts, and replace them with more adaptive and positive thoughts. 

With practice, we’ll learn to identify cognitive distortions in the moment, so we can  immediately challenge them.

The activity sheet represents a unique, upsetting situation, along with the “thoughts”, “feelings”, “behaviours”, and “alternate thought” connected to that situation. Ideally, the activity sheet is completed as soon as possible after an upsetting event has occurred or when we’ve noticed that our thoughts are starting to spiral. 

To follow along, complete the steps in your notes based on a recent distressing situation, or download our Cognitive Restructuring Activity Sheet to fill out.

Let’s continue with Step 1. Identifying the Triggering Situation.