Surviving Depression and Suicide - Josh's Story Video
Josh was 22 when he tried to end his life. Not only did he survive, he found a way to recover and share his story in this depression and suicide video.
Josh was 22 when he tried to end his life. Not only did he survive, he found a way to recover and share his story in this depression and suicide video.
“We all have a role to play in suicide prevention.”
The tragic loss of life to suicide affects many; parents, siblings, partners, children, friends, and work colleagues. Some estimates suggest that around one in four people know someone who took their own life.
If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, please know that you’re not alone and that recovery is possible. I’ve been there – I know what you’re going through.
Not only was I lucky to survive my attempt, but I was also lucky to have family and friends who stuck with me through the worst of times. Give the people in your life a chance to help – you matter to others.
Getting professional support was also essential in my recovery. I still have some down days, but I now have people to talk to and strategies in place to get back on track before I come anywhere near feeling as low as I did before.
Though it can be hard to remember while you’re depressed, there are people that care about you. I care about you.
I hope my story inspires you to keep fighting. Keep focused on the goal of feeling like yourself again – because you can get there too. All the hard work you put into battling depression and thoughts of suicide is worth the effort. You are worth the effort.
A special thanks to my friends at Velour Productions that filmed and produced this video. I never would have thought the friends I hid my depression from in the past would end up helping to share my story.
Visit HeadsUpGuys to take a Depression Check and learn more about depression in men, how to reach out, and how to support a friend you’re concerned about.