Portraits of three men in black and white

"Over 18,000 website visits, 3,500 completed video views, and 100,000 people reached."

For our October 2019 campaign and in recognition of World Mental Health Day (Oct 10th), we created a public service announcement raising awareness of depression and suicide in men.



  • Over 18,000 website visits during our weeklong campaign
  • Over 3,500 completed views via YouTube, Facebook and Instagram
  • Over 100,000 people reached via YouTube, Facebook and Instagram 
  • Over 70,000 total PSA spots now aired on TV across Canada

Interview on Global BC TV Morning News:

Josh Beharry, HeadsUpGuys’ Project Coordinator, was interviewed on Global BC TV Morning News on World Mental Health Day 2019. Josh shared his story of recovery from depression and how HeadsUpGuys can help men get their health back on track. 



Our campaign was shared by many mental health and related groups, from all over the world, through social media, including:

A special thanks to Julian and John, who joined Josh (our Project Coordinator) to share their experiences with depression. Despite facing dark times and hard struggles, they were able to reach out and get on a path to recovery – a message we want all guys who are battling depression to know.

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