
"I've been hiding my depression for many years and finally decided to deal with it head-on. You guys have kickstarted my recovery."

Since launching in 2015, HeadsUpGuys has received hundreds of testimonials and expressions of thanks for the impact our resource is having on men around the world.

"HeadsUpGuys gave me more tools to work on depression.”

Age 29, US

"HeadsUpGuys has made me realize that I'm not the only one struggling with mental health issues."

Age 38, Canada

"HeadsUpGuys has made me realize I need to talk and reach out."

Age 21, UK

"My Self Check score indicated that maybe it's time to stop lying to myself and pretending I'm ok... I'm going to reach out.”

Age 31, Australia

"I’m a proud man and don’t like to share, but talking is the first step in defeating this illness. HeadsUpGuys helped me, thank you."

Age 28, UK

"This place has helped me understand that being tough is reaching out for help.”

Age 38, Canada

“As a man, mental health is not easy to talk about. It's amazing to know I'm not alone."

Age 21, Canada

"I found the website during a dark period and it gave me hope. HeadsUpGuys finally helped me feel more connected."

Age 27, Canada

"HeadsUpGuys helped me understand that it’s not only me, that 'being a man' doesn’t mean you have to deal with it alone."

Age 28, Japan

“HeadsUpGuys showed me that I need to get help.”

Age 41, Canada

"It helped me feel less stigma around my depression. It's comforting to have a site dedicated to men and depression."

Age 55, US

“Visiting HeadsUpGuys was awakening... I continue to try to work on things so much differently than I did before.”

Age 40, Canada

"When my depression was at its worst, I couldn’t imagine others like me. You show guys they are not alone."

Age 20, US

"It helped me see that others have similar problems. If I need mental health information, HEADSUPGUYS is there."

Age 55, Canada

"I was reassured when I found this site. I was feeling alone and scared. This is the only site that spoke to me personally. Thank you"

Age 27, Canada

"HeadsUpGuys made me feel that I wasn't on my own, and helped me understand actions I can take to help my wellbeing."

Age 47, UK

"I have gained courage to open up to my friends and family about my depression and suicidal thoughts."

Age 25, Poland

“I'm realizing I've been fighting depression most of my life... now I can take the steps needed to be better. This site helps”

Age 35, Canada

"The sections on how to reach out to a friend helped me in my step to reaching out."

Age 20, UK

"The world needs places like this online. Knowing you're not alone helps. I hope this place positively influences others too"

Age 24, US

"HeadsUpGuys gave me a sense of having taken an important step toward improving my mental health."

Age 46, Canada

From friends and family members

"HeadsUpGuys gives me a resource to share with colleagues and friends to support men with mental health issues."

Age 35, UK

"I’ve passed the site on to many friends and coworkers as it is a good site with clear information. The self-check tool is also great."

Age 41, Canada

"I have an idea of how to address situations with my boyfriend, who is struggling with suicidal thoughts."

Woman, 20, US

"I lost a roommate to suicide. HeadsUpGuys helped me understand depression and reach out."

Age 21, Malawi

“HeadsUpGuys helped me understand my boyfriend.”

Woman, 18, US

"HeadsUpGuys provided knowledge about men's health that will help me with my boyfriend if he faces this situation in the future."

Woman, 20, Hungary

"A valuable resource to share with others."

Age 40, Canada

"Your site helped me have an important conversation with my dad... He got the help he needed... and is now a great grand-dad."

Age 44, Canada

From Mental Health Professionals and Advocates

"As a Mental Health Counselor, I always recommend your website to clients. Your important work will help many men."

Woman, 54, Canada

"Your site is amazing! I share it with all of my clients, as well as others who are supporting a man in their life who is struggling.”

Age 57, Canada

"As a mental health advocate for our company, I literally couldn't find a better site to share!


"HeadsUpGuys is ground-breaking. Men used to suffer in silence, but now they have a resource with knowledge to help them... in their recovery."

Age 51, US

Read Brandi’s story of how she helped a stranger in need of support by recommending the HeadsUpGuys website.

Learn more About Us and Our Impact, and how you can make a donation to help us continue to impact men’s lives around the world.

Depression Check

Our Impact

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