Interrupting our Anger
When you do have the opportunity to walk away, here are some things you can do.
When you do have the opportunity to walk away, here are some things you can do.
Breaking free from the anger cycle
Sometimes our anger gets triggered in a situation where we are able to physically get up and leave the area temporarily or disengage from whatever is going on (e.g., we may be in a heated discussion with a family member, or a coworker is distracting us at the office). In instances like these, we have a little more time to calm down and make decisions about how we want to handle ourselves.
The following strategies can be helpful for quickly checking our anger when we have a few minutes.
Strategically calling a “time-out” for yourself works just like how a coach calls a time-out to regroup his team in a pivotal moment during a game. It’s a chance to gather his team, refocus, and make a game plan. It’s not about escaping a situation or permanently avoiding it.
When you take a “time-out”, you’re agreeing to return to deal with the issue or postpone it until you feel prepared to address the issue calmly. This tactic gives us the time and space we need to calm down and communicate more effectively – instead of letting our anger do the talking.
My wife and I have an understanding – if I need a few minutes to take a break then I take them. No questions asked. No matter the situation. We do the same thing for her too. Our relationship got much better when we started doing it.” – Paul, 33
Taking a break as soon as you notice your anger flaring up is one of the most foolproof ways to avoid reacting to your anger in the heat of the moment.
Controlled breathing is about consciously slowing down your breathing. Slowly and deeply inhaling through your nose to expand your belly (instead of breathing in through your mouth and only expanding your chest), pausing to hold your breath, and slowly exhaling, can effectively calm your body down and help you regain some control of how you’re feeling.
We learned earlier that slowing our exhales can help counteract our fight-or-flight response. Since it’s physically impossible to be both relaxed and stressed at the same time, we can refocus our body into being relaxed and our stress will ease off. If we can relax successfully, we can counteract and control our anger. Since we often start breathing shallowly and quickly when we’re angry without realizing it, learning to focus on and control our breathing can be especially effective at combating stress and helping us regain our senses.
I use breathing techniques to help me relax in all sorts of situations now, not just when I’m angry. It helps when I’m feeling stressed about work, worried about money, or even when I’m having trouble falling asleep.” – José, 48
Lots of people in stressful positions are trained to use breathing exercises to steady their nerves, including Navy SEALs:
…[it] allowed me to perform exceedingly well in the SEALs…it was instrumental in saving my life several times in crises, I was able to remain calm and focus clearly to avoid reactionary thinking, or worse, panic” – Mark Divine, former US Navy SEALs Commander, NYT bestselling author of The Way of the SEAL and founder of SEALFIT
Here are two different methods for controlled breathing exercises. Try both for a few days and see what works best for you.
The 3-4-5 Technique:
Box Breathing:
If you’re having trouble keeping the counts, you can imagine drawing a box in the air in front of you as you breathe. Draw upwards to make the left side of the box as you inhale for four seconds, draw across the top of the box as you hold for four seconds, draw downwards to make the right side of the box as you exhale for four seconds, and draw across the bottom of the box as you hold for four seconds.
Controlled breathing exercises are great for increasing our performance in high-stress situations by helping us remain calm and avoid reactionary thinking. It may take some practice before the exercises feel easy, but you should feel more relaxed after just a few rounds of controlled breathing.
This technique helps relieve muscle tension by purposely tensing a group of muscles during inhalation, and relaxing them during exhalation.
When we’re angry and stressed, one of the ways our body can respond is by tensing up our muscles, making us uncomfortable and frustrated. Just like how breathing exercises can help our body relax, tensing and then relaxing our muscles can also help our body relax.
I didn’t realize I was carrying around so much tension in my neck and shoulders because of my anger. I would get tension headaches cause my neck muscles were so tight.” – Aaron, 47
Muscle groups: What to do
*Adapted from University of Michigan Health: Stress Management: Doing Progressive Muscle Relaxation
This technique may feel silly if you’ve never done it before, but it’s worth trying the whole routine a couple of times before making any judgments.
If you don’t have the space or the time to do the full routine, try focusing on a part of your body (like your neck and shoulders) that is really tight, and just clenching and releasing those areas.
You can also just stretch out an area that feels tight (like shoulder shrugs and cross-arm stretches for your neck, shoulders, and arms), or use a stress ball to squeeze and relax your hands and forearms, or use a massage ball to roll out knots in a few consistently tight muscles.
Sometimes when we’re angry, all we need is to temporarily distract ourselves from whatever is triggering us, in order for our anger to dissipate. This technique is highly dependent on what you like to do and find interesting – but as long as it completely distracts you from thinking in an angry loop about the situation that’s pissing you off, it can help you calm down.
What I’ve found works for me is to distract myself with thoughts of my son’s smile. Whenever I feel myself starting to get angry, I just picture holding him in my arms and grinning at me. – Eric, 33
Try these activities to distract yourself from whatever is triggering your anger.
Distracting yourself can be difficult to master when feeling intense emotions, but with practice, it will become easier to do.
Using thought-stopping and then immersing yourself in a distraction can be especially effective.
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