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Therapists in West Yorkshire

Mark Sunderland

United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Mark Sunderland

Leeds Beckett
Years in practice: 6
Offers:  Remote Therapy

As your counsellor, I can help you by listening to whatever is troubling you the aim being to help you explore and understand the events or situation that have prompted you to seek help. I can help you explore any kind of problem, whether it is trying to make sense of a past life experience that is causing you some emotional pain, or a current problem that you are finding hard to cope with on your own, or perhaps a fear of something in the future which is holding you back. I strongly believe that having a safe space to talk, without judgment, can help you get clarity and empower you to move forward and make clear decisions about what you can do to improve your life.

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
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Chris Madden

West Yorkshire, England

Chris Madden

Leeds Beckett University
Years in practice: 16
Offers:  Remote Therapy

‘Something incredible happens when you open up to another human who you click with and who is trained to listen and support.’

The way I work is flexible. I meet you as an individual and will accept you exactly as you are, and try to see the world through your eyes. I will listen to you, really hear you and will be as genuine as I can, offering you time and space to find the answers you are looking for. I will not judge or critique you, tell you what to do, think or say, or who you should be. I will always meet you with unconditional positive regard, helping you to explore and navigate towards new insights and perspectives which can bring about a better way of relating to yourself, others or situations which you may find challenging.

West Yorkshire, England
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Mr. Neil Jordan

Didsbury and Huddersfield, England

Mr. Neil Jordan

BSc (hons) Psychology; Adv. Dip Psychodrama; Dip in Embodied Relational Therapy
Years in practice: 25+
Offers:  Remote Therapy

I’m a Registered psychotherapist with the UKCP and have run my private practice full time for over 20 years. I am a Relational Psychotherapist so I work alongside my clients to explore issues that affect how they feel in their current lives and relationships as well as exploring the origins of these issues which sometimes stem from traumatic events in our developmental years. My goal is to help clients clarify what they want from life, explore what is holding them back and move through to deep and lasting change. I work with a wide range of presenting issues. Over the last 10 years I have worked with professional sportsmen and women and supported them through a range of issues which they encounter in their high profile, pressurised, daily lives.

As a man I appreciate how difficult it can be to speak about how we feel and I also know the benefits of taking this risk having had my own counselling and psychotherapy for many years.

Didsbury and Huddersfield, England
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It may take reaching out to 3+ therapists to find one who is currently accepting new clients. So don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear back right away. Keep reaching out to therapists until you get a response. Your better health is worth the effort.

For more information on talk therapy, including more ways to find a therapist, virtual/online therapy options, how to make the most of therapy, and how to know if it is working, see:

Call and request an initial appointment by phone or email. Once you get to your appointment, explain your symptoms and what’s going on in your life.

It may help to complete and print out or save your responses to our Self Check and Stress Test to bring to your appointment.

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