Photo of man sitting in car with window partially rolled down

"HeadsUpGuys is such an important creation and I love that I now have a place to send ALL of the people in my life who have brothers, husbands and dads that NEED this."

“Last week I was waiting to pick up our daughter at a church building in Surrey where she takes a Math and Science course. Mine was the only car in the parking lot (as I was early for pick up and using the time to reply to emails while I waited), except for a nicer looking car parked in the far back corner. I was emailing away quietly for quite some time, until the honk of a car horn startled me from my concentration.

I looked up to see that the car had backed in a couple of spots over from me so that the driver was facing me and motioning for me to roll down my window. I did, and the man in the driver’s seat said to me, “Hey, sorry to bother you, but do you know if there’s anyone in there (the church) that could talk to me? I’m really depressed. I need some help and thought there might be someone here.”

I noticed the man, who was about 40 and wearing a face mask, was visibly agitated. I was taken aback at first and had to take a minute to figure out how to respond – and then I thought of HeadsUpGuys.

I took a deep breathe and said, “I’m so sorry you’re having a hard day. That’s really heavy. Life is hard for so many of us right now and you’re not alone. There are children learning inside the church today, so I don’t think anyone in there can help you at the moment. However, I do know of a great website with lots of resources for people who are in the same place as you are right now. It’s called HeadsUpGuys. Do you have a phone?” He said he did, and I helped him navigate to your AMAZING website.

He was so happy to have a place to seek information easily and quickly in that hard moment. He thanked me, rolled up his window and then drove back to the corner of the lot and parked again. I could see that he was reading and then he was on the phone for a bit. After about 10 minutes, he drove back over, honked again, waved, said “thank you so much” and drove away.

I felt so relieved that I was armed with the name of your site. Before I wouldn’t have known what to say or how to help a guy like that, and might even have felt frightened to roll down my window. Instead, I had an answer. A little bit of hope that maybe that one soul was able to find what he needed to keep going that day.  HeadsUpGuys is such an important creation and I love that I now have a place to send ALL of the people in my life who have brothers, husbands and dads that NEED this.”

–  Brandi, British Columbia, Canada

(Stock photo used in banner image)

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