One of the important ways that HeadsUpGuys serves as the world’s leading men’s mental health resource is through its commitment to research.


Men’s experience of HeadsUpGuys
  • This study surveyed 443 men who visited HeadsUpGuys to assess the site’s impact on mental health literacy, stigma reduction, attitudes, action-taking, help-seeking, and overall satisfaction with our resource.


In partnership with B.C.’s Community Savings Credit Union, this study surveyed 451 Canadian men about their mental health and how they felt about their places of work.

Publication List


  • Genuchi, M.C., Oliffe, J.L., Walther, A., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2025). The role of feeling understood in men’s loneliness-depression pathway: Longitudinal findings over three assessment waves. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 183, 47-51.
  • Sharp, P., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (In press). Romantic relationship challenges and young men’s mental health in Canadian-based undergraduate university students. Journal of American College Health.
  • Dang, S., Ogawa, A., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Oliffe, J.L., Seidler, Z.E., Rice, S.M., & Kealy, D. (In press). Approach and avoidance: Understanding men’s experiences of depression and life satisfaction via explicit motives and pathological narcissism. Journal of Men’s Health.


  • Seidler, Z.E., Wilson, M.J., Benakovic, R., Mackinnon, A., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Kealy, D., Owen, J., Pirkis, J., Mihalopoulos, C., Khanh-Dao Le, L., & Rice, S.M. (2024). Enhancing the clinical competencies of mental health practitioners who work with men: A parallel, single-blind, randomised waitlist-controlled trial of the Men in Mind intervention. American Psychologist.
  • Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Beharry, J., Storey, Q. K., & Oliffe, J. L. (2024). Men’s experiences of HeadsUpGuys: A strength-based case study. Health Education Journal, 0(0).
  • Ostergaard, S. & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2024). Does risk-taking or alcohol misuse mediate the association between anger and suicidal ideation in male depression? Journal of Psychiatric Research, 171, 25-29.
  • Sharp, P., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2024). Canadian men’s workplace mental health. Cogent Mental Health, 3, 1-16.
  • Sharp, P., Zhu, P., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., McKenzie, S.K., Seidler, Z.E., Rice, S.M., & Oliffe, J.L. (2024). Men’s peer support for mental health challenges: Future directions for research and practice. Health Promotion International, 39, daae046.


  • Walther, A., Grub, J., Tsar, S., Ehlert, U., Heald, A., Perrin, R., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Seidler, Z.E., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Eggenberger, L. (2023). Status loss due to COVID-19, traditional masculinity, and the prediction of suicidal ideation and recent suicide attempts. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 24, 47–62.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Kelly, M.T, Gonzalez Montaner, G., Seidler, Z.S., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Kealy, D., & Rice, S. (2023). Pathways and patterns for communication with intimate partners: Men’s retrospectives after a relationship breakdown. Men and Masculinities, 26, 472–494.
  • Keum, B.T. & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2023). The role of first-person depression storytelling online video on men’s self-stigma, traditional masculinity ideology, and psychological help-seeking attitudes. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 31, 241-260.
  • O’Loughlin, J.I., Cox, D.W., Castro, C.A., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2023). Traditional masculinity ideology and psychotherapy treatment outcome for military service veteran men. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 24, 16-25.
  • Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Oliffe, J.L. (2023). Social anxiety and suicidality among men: Examining the effects of loneliness and childhood trauma. Current Psychology, 42, 8709–8712.
  • Walther, A., Ehlert, U., Schneeberger, M., Eggenberger, L., Flückiger, C., Komlenac, N., Heald, A., Rice, T., Palm, S.S., Seidler, Z.E., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Weber, R. Zimmermann, D. (2023). Evaluation of a male-specific psychotherapeutic program for major depressive disorder compared to cognitive behavioral therapy and waitlist: Study protocol for a six-arm randomized clinical superiority trial examining depressed eugonadal and hypogonadal men receiving testosterone. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1129386.
  • Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Sharp, P., Rice, S.M. (2023). Silence and its manifestations in men’s mental illness. Nature Mental Health, 1, 446–448.
  • Sharp, P., Zhu, P., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Seidler, Z.E., Wilson, M.J., Fisher, K., & Oliffe, J.L. (2023). “Hey Amir, how are you REALLY doing?”: Participant perspectives of a peer-based suicide prevention campaign for men. American Journal of Men’s Health, 17(5), 15579883231209189.
  • Kealy, D., Bossé Chartier, G., Walther, A., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2023). Psychic pain among men: Factor structure, psychosocial correlates, and mediation of social connectedness and suicidal ideation. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 211, 649-655.
  • Sharp, P., Coroiu, A., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Oliffe, J.L. (2023). Engaging men in intimate partner relationship programs: Service provider and stakeholders’ perspectives. American Journal of Men’s Health, 17,
  • Sharp, P., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Sha, M., Kelly, M.T., Gonzalez Montaner, G., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Rice, S.M., & Oliffe, J.L. (2023). Working with men in the context of distressed and disrupted intimate partner relationships: A qualitative study. Patient Education and Counseling, 15, 107873.
  • Keum, B.T., Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Cox, D., Levant, R.F., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2023). Distress disclosure and psychological distress among men: The role of feeling understood and loneliness. Current Psychology, 42, 10533–10542.
  • Sharp, P., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., & Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2023). Existential isolation and psychological distress during COVID-19: The role of loneliness and resilient coping in Canadian help-seeking men. Journal of Affective Disorders, 324, 279-285.
  • Sharp, P., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2023). Social support boosts young men’s resilient coping to buffer psychological distress. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 17, 784-791.
  • Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Sivagurunathan, M., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., & Oliffe, J.L. (2023). Suicidal ideation among men during COVID-19: Examining the roles of loneliness, thwarted belongingness, and personality impairment. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 64, 401–408.
  • Brown, T.L., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2023). The influence of meaning in life on psychological distress among men: A serial multiple mediation model involving resilience and loneliness. Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, 4, 100114.


  • Seidler, Z.E., Wilson, M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Rice, S.M. (2022). Men’s preferences for therapist gender: Predictors and impact on satisfaction with therapy. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 35, 173-189.
  • Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Beharry, J., & Oliffe, J.L. (2022). HeadsUpGuys: An e-mental health resource for men with depression. Rhode Island Medical Journal, 105, 23-28.
  • Seidler, Z.E., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Wilson, M.J., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2022). Men’s shame and anger: Examining the roles of alexithymia and psychological distress. The Journal of Psychology, 156, 1-11.
  • Rice, S., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Black, N., Seidler, Z., & Oliffe, J.L. (2022). Health-related masculine values, depression and suicide risk: Associations among men with a history of childhood maltreatment. Journal of Mental Health, 31, 317-324.
  • Zajac, I.T., Rice, S., Proeve, M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2022). Suicide risk, psychological distress and treatment preferences in men presenting with prototypical, externalising and mixed depressive symptomology. Journal of Mental Health, 31, 309-316.
  • Seidler, Z.E, Wilson, M., Owen, J., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Kealy, D., & Rice, S.M. (2022). Teaching gender competency with men in mind: Foundations of an online training program for mental health practitioners. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 30, 111-131.
  • O’Loughlin, J.I., Cox, D.W., Castro, C.A., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2022). Disentangling the individual and group effects of masculinity ideology on PTSD treatment. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 35, 587-604.
  • Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Black, N., & Rice, S.M. (2022). Conditional process modeling of the relationship among self-reliance, loneliness, and depressive symptoms, and the moderating effect of feeling understood. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 210, 32–36.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Kelly, M.T, Gonzalez Montaner, G., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.S., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Sharp, P., & Rice, S. (2022). Men, relationships and partner-initiated break-ups: A narrative analysis. Health Psychology Open, 9(2), 20551029221142465.
  • Seidler, Z.E., Wilson, M., Walton, C.C., Fisher, K., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Rice, S.M.,  (2022). Australian men’s initial pathways to mental health services. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33, 460-469.
  • Seidler, Z.E., Wilson, M.J., Toogood, N.W., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Owen, J.,  Lee, G., & Rice, S.M. (2022). Pilot evaluation of the Men in Mind training program for mental health practitioners. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 23, 257–264.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Kelly, M.T, Gonzalez Montaner, G., Seidler, Z.S., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Rice, S. (2022). Masculinity and mental illness in and after men’s intimate partner relationships. SSM: Qualitative Research in Health, 2, 100039,
  • Walther, A., Eggenberger, L., Grub, J., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Seidler, Z.E., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ehlert, U. (2022). Examining the role of traditional masculinity and depression in men’s risk for contracting COVID-19. Behavioral Sciences, 12(3):80.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Kelly, M., Gonzalez, G.M., Seidler, Z.E., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Rice, S.M. (2022). Mapping men’s mental health help-seeking after an intimate partner relationship break-up. Qualitative Health Research, 32, 1464-1476.
  • Rice, S., Seidler, Z.E., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Zajac, I.T., & Oliffe, J.L. (2022). Men’s depression, externalizing and DSM-5-TR: Primary signs and symptoms or co-occurring symptoms? Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 30, 317-322.
  • Seidler, Z.E., Wilson, M.J., Toogood, N., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Owen, J., Mackinnon, A., Khanh-Dao Le, L., Mihalopoulos, C., Pirkis, J., & Rice, S.M. (2022). Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of the Men in Mind training for mental health practitioners. BMC Psychology, 10, 174
  • Seidler, Z.E., Wilson, M.J., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Walther, A., & Rice, S.M. (2022). “I could hang up if the practitioner was a prat”: Australian men’s feedback on telemental health care during COVID-19. PloS One, 17, e0279127. 
  • Seidler, Z.E., Wilson, M., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L. & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2022). Virtual connection, real support? A study of loneliness, time on social media and distress among men. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 68, 288-293.
  • Storey, Q.K., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S.M., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2022). Connecting and healing: The role of existential isolation in mediating the impact of the therapeutic relationship on Canadian men’s mental health outcomes. American Journal of Men’s Health, 16(6), 15579883221136980.
  • Rice, S.M., Trail, K., Walton, C.C., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2022). An evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale in a sample of help-seeking men. Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 1, 22-31.
  • Simpson, N.J., Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2022). Social disconnection and psychological distress in Canadian men during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Men’s Health,
  • Simard, A.A.P., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Walther, A., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2022). Job satisfaction and psychological distress among men: Does meaning in life play a role. Behavioral Sciences, 12(3):58.
  • Wilson, M.J., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., Toogood, N., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Walther, A., & Rice, S.M. (2022). “Appreciate the little things”: Exploring men’s coping strategies and mental health impacts during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Men’s Health, 16(3), 15579883221099794.


  • Oliffe, J.L., Ferlatte, O., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Seidler, Z.E., Kealy, D., & Rice, S.R. (2021). How to save a life: Vital clues from men who have attempted suicide. Qualitative Health Research, 31, 415–429.
  • Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Rice, S.M., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Kim, D. (2021). Challenging assumptions about what men want: Examining preferences for psychotherapy among men attending outpatient mental health clinics. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 52, 28–33.
  • Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Beharry, J., & Oliffe, J.L. (2021). An evaluation of 5-year web analytics for HeadsUpGuys: A men’s depression e-mental health resource. American Journal of Men’s Health, 15(6).
  • Seidler, Z.E., Rosenberg, J., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2021). Peering behind the mask: The roles of reactance and gender in the relationship between self-esteem and interpersonal problems. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 28, 844–851.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Kelly, M.T., Gonzalez Montaner, G., Links, P.S., Kealy, D., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2021). Segmenting or summing the parts?: A scoping review of male suicide research in Canada. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 66, 433-445.
  • Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Rice, S.M., Cox, D.W., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Kim, D. (2021). Reduced emotional awareness and distress concealment: A pathway to loneliness for young men seeking mental health care. Frontiers of Psychology. 12:679639.
  • Seidler, Z.E., Wilson, M.J., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Toogood, N., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Rice, S.M. (2021). Eventually, I admitted, I cannot do this alone”: Exploring experiences of suicidality and help-seeking drivers among Australian men. Frontiers in Sociology, 6, 178.
  • Seidler, Z.E., Wilson, M.J., Trail, K., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Oliffe, J.L. (2021). Challenges working with men: Australian therapists’ perspectives. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77, 2781-2797.
  • Seidler, Z.E., Wilson, M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Rice, S.M. (2021). Men’s dropout from mental health services: Results from a survey of Australian men across the lifespan. American Journal of Men’s Health, 15(3):15579883211014776.
  • Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Seidler, Z.E., Montaner, G., Chambers, S., & Oliffe, J.L. (2021). The anxiety depression pathway among men following a prostate cancer diagnosis: Cross-sectional interactions between anger responses and loneliness. American Journal of Men’s Health, 15(3):15579883211023699.
  • Kealy, D., Rice, S.M., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2021). Reflective functioning and men’s mental health: Associations with resilience and personal growth initiative. Stress & Health, 37, 706– 714.
  • Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Walton, C.C., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2021). Male-type depression symptoms in young men with a history of childhood sexual abuse and current hazardous alcohol use. Psychiatry Research, 304, 114110.


  • Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., Treeby, M.S., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2020). Shame and guilt mediate the effects of alexithymia on distress and suicide-related behaviours among men. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 25, 17-24.
  • Cox, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Rice, S., & Kahn, J. (2020). Distress concealment and depression symptoms in a national sample of Canadian men: Feeling understood and loneliness as sequential mediators. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 208, 510-513.
  • Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Seidler, Z.E., Denehy, L., & Oliffe, J.L. (2020). The cost of bottling it up: Emotion suppression as mediator in the relationship between anger and depression among men with prostate cancer. Cancer Management and Research, 12, 1039–1046.
  • Seidler, Z. Rice, S., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2020). Once bitten, twice shy: Dissatisfaction with previous therapy and its implication for future help-seeking among men. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 55, 255–263.
  • O’Loughlin, J.I., Cox, D.W., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Castro, C.A. (2020). The association between traditional masculinity ideology and predictors of military to civilian transition among veteran men. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 28, 318–338.
  • Rice, S.M., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2020). Men’s help-seeking for depression: Attitudinal and structural barriers in symptomatic men. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 11, 1–6.
  • Ferlatte, O., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2020). Suicidality, maladaptive externalising behaviours and sexual orientation: Results from an online representative sample of Canadian men. International Journal of Mental Health, 49, 280-290.
  • Seidler, Z. Rice, S., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2020).  Getting them through the door: A survey of men’s facilitators for seeking mental health treatment. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18, 1346–1351.
  • Seidler, Z. Rice, S., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2020). What gets in the way? Men’s perspectives of barriers to mental health services. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 66, 105–110.
  • Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., Levant, R.F., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2020). Male-type and prototypal depression trajectories for men experiencing mental health problems. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 7322;
  • Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Delara, M. & Oliffe, J.L. (2021). Psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study of online help-seeking Canadian men. Postgraduate Medicine, 133, 750-759.


  • Kealy, D., Rice, S., Ferlatte, O., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2019). Better doctor-patient relationships are associated with men choosing more active depression treatment. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 32, 13-19.
  • Seidler, Z.E., Dhillon, H., Rice, S.M., Shaw, J., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2019). Men, masculinities, depression: Implications for mental health services from a Delphi expert consensus study. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 50, 51-61.
  • Rice, S., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z., Dhillon, H., & Oliffe, J.L. (2019). Validity of the Male Depression Risk Scale in a representative Canadian sample: Sensitivity and specificity in identifying men with recent suicide attempt. Journal of Mental Health, 28, 132-140.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Rice, S., Kelly, M.T., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Broom, A., Robertson, S., & Black, N. (2019). A mixed methods study of the health-related masculine values among young Canadian men. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 20, 310-323.
  • Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2019). Externalising depression symptoms among Canadian males with recent suicidal ideation: A focus on young men. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 13, 308-313.
  • Mackenzie, C. S., Visperas, A., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Oliffe, J. L., & Nurmi, M. A. (2019). Age and sex differences in self-stigma and public stigma concerning depression and suicide in men. Stigma and Health, 4, 233-241.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Rossnagel, E., Seidler, Z.E., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Rice, S.M. (2019). Men’s depression and suicide. Current Psychiatry Reports, 21, 103.
  • Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., Seidler, Z.E., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2019). Affective-somatic symptoms of depression, suicide risk and exposure to childhood maltreatment: Data from emerging adults to older-age males. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 17, 1301–1311.


  • Rice, S., Oliffe, J.L., Kealy, D., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2018). Male depression subtypes and suicidality: Latent profile analysis of internalising and externalising symptoms in a representative Canadian sample. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 206, 169–172.
  • Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Kealy, D., Joyce, A.S., & Abbass, A.A. (2018).  Body talk: Sex differences in the influence of alexithymia on physical complaints among psychiatric outpatients. Psychiatry Research, 261, 168-172.
  • Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Treeby, M.S., Ferlatte, O., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2018). Male guilt and shame proneness: The Personal Feelings Questionnaire (PFQ-2 Brief). Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 20 (2), 46-54.
  • Rice, S., Kealy, D., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2018). Male-type depression symptoms linked to broader psychopathology. Journal of Affective Disorders, 235, 523-524.
  • Rice, S.M., Oliffe, J.L., Kelly, M.T., Cormie, P., Chambers, S., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Kealy, D. (2018). Depression and prostate cancer: Examining comorbidity and male-specific symptoms. American Journal of Men’s Health, 12,1864-1872.
  • Seidler, Z.E., Rice, S.M., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Dhillon, H. (2018). Engaging men in psychological treatment: A scoping review. American Journal of Men’s Health, 12, 1882-1900.
  • Rice, S.M., Kealy, D., Seidler, Z.E., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2018). Childhood maltreatment and age effects on depression and suicidality among Canadian men. Psychiatry Research, 270, 887-889.


  • Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Oliffe, J.L., & Black, N. (2017). Canadian men’s perspectives of depression: Awareness and intention to seek help.  American Journal of Men’s Health, 11, 877–879.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Creighton, G., Robertson, S., Broom, A., Jenkins, E.K., Ogrodniczuk, J.S. & Ferlatte, O. (2017). Injury, Interiority and Isolation in Men’s Suicidality. American Journal of Men’s Health, 11, 888-899.
  • Creighton, G., Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Frank, B. (2017). “You’ve gotta be that tough crust exterior man”: Depression and suicide in rural based men.  Qualitative Health Research, 27, 1882-1891.
  • Creighton, G.M., Oliffe, J.L., Lohan, M., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Palm, E. (2017). “Things I did not know”: Retrospectives on a Canadian rural male youth suicide using an instrumental photo voice case study. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 21, 616–632.
  • Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Rice, S.M., & Oliffe, J.L. (2018). Alexithymia, suicidal ideation, and health risk behaviours: A survey of Canadian men. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 22, 77-79.


  • Kealy, D., Joyce, A.S., Abbass, A.A., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2016). Childhood traumas among men attending outpatient psychiatric services. International Journal of Mental Health & Addictions, 14, 135-140.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Gordon, S.J., Creighton, G., Kelly, M.T., Black, N., & Mackenzie, C. (2016). Stigma in male depression and suicide: A Canadian sex comparison study. Community Mental Health Journal, 52, 302-310.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Hannan-Leith, M.N., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Mackenzie, C.S., Lohan, M., Creighton, G & Black, N. (2016).  Men’s depression and suicide literacy: A nationally representative Canadian survey. Journal of Mental Health, 25, 520-526.


  • Oliffe, J. L., Robertson, S., Kelly, M. T., Roy, P., & Ogrodniczuk, J. S. (2010). Connecting masculinity and depression among international male university students. Qualitative Health Research, 20, 987-998.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Kelly, M.T., Johnson, J.L., Bottorff, J.L., Gray, R.E., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Galdas, P.M. (2010). Masculinities and college men’s depression: Recursive relationships. Health Sociology Review, 19, 465-477.
  • Ogrodniczuk, J.S. & Oliffe, J.L. (2010). Manning up for men’s mental illness. Australian Family Physician, 39, 931-932.
  • Ogrodniczuk, J.S. & Oliffe, J.L. (2011). Men and depression. Canadian Family Physician, 57, 153-155.
  • Wide, J., Mok, H., McKenna, M., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2011). Effect of gender role socialization on the presentation of depression among men. Canadian Family Physician, 57, e74-78.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Han, C.S.E., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., & Roy, P. (2011). Suicide from the perspectives of older men who experience depression: A gender analysis. American Journal of Men’s Health, 5, 444-454.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Bottorff, J.L., Johnson, J.L. & Hoyak, K. (2012). ‘You feel like you can’t live anymore’: Suicide from the perspectives of men who experience depression. Social Science and Medicine, 74, 506-514.
  • Johnson, J.L., Oliffe, J.L., Kelly, M.T., Galdas, P.M., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S.  (2012). Men’s discourses of help-seeking in the context of depression. Sociology of Health and Illness, 34, 345-361.
  • Oliffe, J.L., Rasmussen, B., Bottorff, J.L., Kelly, M.T., Galdas, P., Phinney, A., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2013). Masculinities, work, and retirement among older men who experience depression. Qualitative Health Research, 23, 1626-1637.
  • Sierra Hernandez, C.A., Oliffe, J.L., Joyce, A.S., Sochting, I., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2014). Treatment preferences among men attending outpatient psychiatric services. Journal of Mental Health, 23, 83-87.
  • Sierra Hernandez, C.A., Han, C., Oliffe, J.L., & Ogrodniczuk, J.S. (2014). Understanding help-seeking among depressed men. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 15, 346-354.

Pre 2010

  • Ogrodniczuk, J. S.  (2006).  Men, women, and their outcome in psychotherapy.  Psychotherapy Research, 16, 453-462.
  • Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Piper, W. E., & Joyce, A. S.  (2004).  Differences in men’s and women’s responses to short-term group psychotherapy.  Psychotherapy Research, 14, 231-243.
  • Ogrodniczuk, J. S., & Staats, H.  (2002).  Gender effects in psychotherapy: Is there a difference between males and females? Zeitschrift fuer Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 48, 270-285.
  • Ogrodniczuk, J.S, Piper, W.E., Joyce, A.S., & McCallum, M.  (2001). Patient gender differences in outcome for two forms of dynamically-oriented psychotherapy.  Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research, 10, 69-78.