Starting a Fundraiser


We are deeply grateful for the amazing support from our HeadsUpGuys community. It is inspiring to witness people harnessing their interests and passions in innovative ways to bolster our efforts in improving men’s mental health and preventing suicide.

Mental health issues, like anxiety, depression, and suicide in men, can be difficult to talk about, but this is why raising awareness of these issues is so important.

Are you looking to host an event in memory of someone who died by suicide?

  • Visit our In Memorial page for further details and options on how to create a dedicated page to collect donations in their honour.

Here are seven steps to hold a successful and impactful fundraiser you can be proud of!

  1. Brainstorm Ideas
  2. Define Your Goals
  3. Create A Game Plan
  4. Engage Supporters
  5. Enjoy The Event
  6. Donate Funds
  7. Follow-Up

Examples of previous fundraising events.


We welcome a variety of fundraising ideas that align with our mission and values. Many of the following ideas are flexible enough to be carried out in person, virtually, or a combination of both.

Single Event Activities

Organize a walk, run, bike ride, trivia night, motorcycle ride, or any activity you enjoy.

Josh talking with supporters

HeadsUpGuys Trivia Night

Multiday Challenges

Try a multiday, weekly, or monthly fitness or stair challenge, promoting via social media to drum up donations as you go.

Joel and Nick running side by side

Joel and Nick – David Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge

Sports Tournaments

Organize one or two-day tournaments, featuring sports like softball, golf, or hockey. Teams donate to enter.

Group photo from Hole 72 Fundraiser at King Links

Hole 72 Fundraiser

Workplace Fundraising

Engage your workplace in themed campaigns, like for Men’s Mental Health Week in June. Inspire colleagues to raise funds and awareness. Check for donation-matching from your employer.

UBC Giving Day Logo

2x Featured program for UBC Giving Day, Staff and community fundraiser

Virtual Events or Panel Discussions

Host engaging virtual events or panel discussions on men’s mental health. Connect participants from all over to foster meaningful conversations.

Banner image with Panel participants

Breaking the Silence Around Men’s Mental Health, UBC Sigma Chi Virtual Speakers Panel and Fundraiser

Gala Dinners and Large Events

Host gala dinners or virtual events with guest speakers, live entertainment, prize draws, and auctions.

Photo of crown at fundraising event

Sip Around the World Fundraiser


Feel free to mix and match the suggestions above, or explore your own creative fundraising concepts. At the bottom of this page are additional ideas from past successful fundraisers for inspiration.

Expanding your team by involving other friends and family members in organizing the event can greatly enhance its impact. It also allows you to tap into a wider audience through their networks.

Bonus Tip: Coincide with Meaningful Days

Highlight the theme of men’s mental health by organizing fundraising events on specific dates such as:

  • World Mental Health Day (October 10th)
  • World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10th)
  • Father’s Day (third Sunday in June)
  • Men’s Health Week (week preceding Father’s Day ~ mid-June)


Once you’ve decided on what fundraising idea works best for you, it’s time to set your goals and plan how to collect funds.

Think about and set a realistic total donations goal:

  • We understand raising funds is hard work, so set your goals realistically and remember that any support, big or small, is greatly appreciated!

Decide how you will collect funds. Options include:

  • Collecting cash donations
  • Utilizing a crowdfunding platform such as GoFundMe (free-to-use with donors having the choice to tip the platform if they wish).

Directing donors to make donation via credit card through our online donation page.

Using a Crowd-fundraising Platform

Utilize crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe, Kickstarter, or Indiegogo to create personalized fundraising campaigns that you can easily share with friends, family, and social networks.


Please note that HeadsUpGuys is not listed by some crowdfunding sites such as Facebook Fundraisers.

  • These sites will acknowledge and list the University of British Columbia (UBC) as a whole entity, but they may not specifically recognize individual programs such as ours. Consequently, donations could be inadvertently directed to a general UBC fund.
    • To ensure funds go to HeadsUpGuys, you may need to create a ‘personal fundraising’ event, similar to fundraising for a friend or another cause.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Cash donations can also be collected and usually added to your total within crowdfunding sites under an option for “offline donations”.

For Supporters of a Fundraiser Who Want a Tax Receipts

For those seeking tax receipts, the most efficient way to receive them is to make a donation directly via credit card through our UBC HeadsUpGuys donation page.


Canadian residents can also donate via phone through the UBC Development Office at 604-827-4111 or 1-877-717-4483, specifying their donation is for the “UBC HeadsUpGuys Program G1745”. 


Some crowdfunding sites allow for “offline” donations to be added to your total. This allows you to manually include donations from individuals needing tax receipts. 

  • For example, if a friend wishes to donate but requires a tax receipt, they can donate directly through our UBC HeadsUpGuys donation page and provide you with a screenshot of their receipt. You can then add this amount as an “offline donation” to your crowdfunding site, so that it appears in your total donations raised.


Take the time to carefully plan the details and logistics of your event, including venue selection, scheduling, and any necessary resources. Develop a budget to ensure you stay on track financially. 

Engage with your community and encourage participation to boost the impact of your fundraiser. 

When possible, involving more people leads to a better event outcome in terms of impact, connections, awareness and fundraising.

Let Us Know About Your Fundraiser

  • Once your event is underway, keep us in the loop! We’re excited to feature it on our social media and share photos.


Utilize word-of-mouth, email, social media, personal outreach, or engage with news outlets to promote your event, share your reasons for supporting us, and raise awareness about men’s mental health.

Mobilize volunteers, seek  sponsorships or discounts for required resources, or gather raffle prizes to increase community involvement.


During the event, remember to gather pledges, secure sponsorships, and collect entry fees as needed.

Amidst all your organizing, don’t forget to pause and savor the event you have worked hard to create.

Transfer the collected donations to HeadsUpGuys via either cheque or online donation. Share the total amount raised with your supporters and ensure transparency by including a photo or screenshot of the cheque/donation.

To Make a Matching Donation Online

If your funds were raised in cash, you can make a matching donation by visiting the HeadsUpGuys UBC Donation page.

To Mail us a Matching Donation Cheque

For cash donations or those gathered through a crowdfunding platform, you can transfer the funds to a personal account and then issue us a cheque for the matching amount.


If you’re located in the Vancouver area, we can facilitate a direct transfer of collected donations to a HeadsUpGuys team member.


Cheques must be payable to: “UBC HeadsUpGuys” and mailed to:

  • Dr. John Ogrodniczuk
    David Strangway Building
    420 – 5950 University Blvd
    Vancouver, BC  Canada V6T 1Z3

To obtain a tax receipt:

  • For Canadian Residents:
    • Kindly include a note indicating your Canadian residency and the address where the tax receipt should be mailed.
  • For Non-Canadian Residents:

Please email us at [email protected] to notify us when a cheque is en route.

Make a Donation Via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

If the option to write a cheque is unavailable, funds can also be transferred to us via Electronic funds transfer (EFT) .


To coordinate this transfer with our UBC Development and Alumni Engagement Office and ensure the funds are directed to our program, please contact us at [email protected].

Regardless of the method chosen, please ensure transparency with your supporters by sharing a photo or screenshot of the matching cheque/donation made to HeadsUpGuys.


Following-up after the event cultivates stronger connections and fosters a sense of community and sustained support.

  • Take the initiative to personally thank attendees and donors and extend an invitation for future engagement.
  • Encourage feedback and suggestions to gather valuable insight on their experience for future fundraising events.


Photo collage from various support fundraisers

Explore some of the inspiring initiatives our supporters have orchestrated to raise awareness about men’s mental health and champion our cause:

If you have any questions about or need assistance with fundraising, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

We’re here to support your efforts in any way we can.

We want your feedback! Men and Relationships Study

Join us in uncovering how men's mental health and romantic relationships intersect. Share your experience to help create better mental health support for men everywhere.

As a thank-you, you’ll be entered to win one of four $100 prepaid Mastercards!

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