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Therapists in Gabriola Island

Dr. John Álvarez de Lorenzana


Dr. John Álvarez de Lorenzana

MD, McMaster University and MA in Counselling Psychology, University of British Columbia
Years in practice: 16
Offers:  Remote Therapy

Ever feel like saying F#CK My Life? Whether you are stressed out, burnt out or someone feeling increasingly overwhelmed, I am here to support you. I specialize in anger, burnout, addiction and relationship challenges. Currently I’m training in psychedelic-assisted therapy at VIU and work with men integrating spiritual and other non-ordinary states of consciousness. My counselling style is pragmatic and heartfelt. Why is this happening is an important question to ask. The answers often lie in our own past, habit energy and relationships. One of the main goals in doing this deeper work is to reclaim what has been lost or forgotten. Together we will stop the emotional toll and get you back to doing what you love or uncover what that is. Individual, Couple & Group rates available.

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Call and request an initial appointment by phone or email. Once you get to your appointment, explain your symptoms and what’s going on in your life.

Learn more about talk therapy.

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  • “Hi, I found your website through HeadsUpGuys. I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress recently and am looking for a therapist to consult with.”
  • “I’m wondering if you are taking new clients? I’m looking for someone to work with to help me get through a rough patch.”

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It may take reaching out to 3+ therapists to find one who is currently accepting new clients. So don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear back right away. Keep reaching out to therapists until you get a response. Your better health is worth the effort.

For more information on talk therapy, including more ways to find a therapist, virtual/online therapy options, how to make the most of therapy, and how to know if it is working, see:

Call and request an initial appointment by phone or email. Once you get to your appointment, explain your symptoms and what’s going on in your life.

It may help to complete and print out or save your responses to our Self Check and Stress Test to bring to your appointment.